Some minutes of light
We are in the middle of December now, and for many weeks we haven’t even seen a glimpse of the sun. It’s been hidden under a thick layer of clouds. And december is a very dark time of the year even if its a clear sky, since we only can see the sun for about an hour above the treetops before it goes back down.
But in some way I really love this time. I love the extremes. The very dark December, and the very light June. The midnight sun and the polar night.
It’s so special and magical in some way.
But today, we FINALLY saw the light from the sun again. It was still behind clouds but it was so beautiful to just see the light and the beautiful colors on the sky. That really made my day! I flew up with my drone so that I could take a photo of it.

It’s only in the contrasts where we really can appreciate life. We need the darkness to see the light. We need the cold to feel the warmth. We need to put ourself in discomfort to appreciate the comfort.
And every year this time I get the same deep feelings of gratitude for the light and the sun. It’s ok to live in darkness for a long time each year just to get this feeling when standing in the window and suddenly feel a little ray of sunlight hitting your face. It’s like being flushed with a wave of love. It’s like I wanna cry every time.

Our cat Nayeli must have also felt very happy about the little sunlight we got today, since she sat in the window looking out for a long time while the sun was visible.

My beautiful home. I took this photo of the village today. And I always love to see Grundtjärn from far away. It really gives you perspective of how far away we live from towns, cities and streetslights. All you can see is forest everywhere.

I wanted to share with you about a book I got back in October, that I recently started reading. It means a lot to me, since it’s a friend of mine who wrote it. His name is Pelle Lundström, and I am sure my old, fellow blogreaders that’s been reading my first blog has seen him in some earlier posts.
I first got to know him on a Nordic conference in Finland back in 2015. He held a speech together with his friend and colleague Lena, which really moved me and inspired me a lot. They worked in a “youth center” for teenagers called Kåken and did so much amazing work for young people. They were so passionate about what they did! Later the same year I was invited to their center “Kåken” to have a speech myself, and it was so much fun to see them again!

Lena, me and Pelle after the speech at Kåken, in May 2015.
Next time I saw Pelle was when he came visiting my art exhibition in 2016. And after that we been seeing each other once a year as he spontaneously comes visiting me and Johan sometime in the summer every year, which we always appreciate so much! (We didn’t meet this crazy year though, but we will have to meet extra long next time 🙂 )

Pelle is one of the most inspiring people I know. Ever since the first time I met him I’ve been fascinated by the stories he have told from his life. I have always wondered why there isn’t a film made about him. I love when he comes visiting us and we never want him to leave since its SO interesting to just sit and talk with him, about anything!
A few years ago he started writing a book about his life and all the experiences he has gone through and all the lessons he have learned along the way. I was SO happy about that! And now in October, after many years of work and writing, I got this book sent to me. It’s called “Från bränt barn till eldsjäl”, which is hard to find a good translation for in English, but maybe something like ” From a burnt child to a fire soul”.
I actually cried a little tear as I hold it in my hands.
I just felt so thankful that he actually did it! He has so much to share and his experiences can be of so much help and inspiration to others.
I know he put his heart and soul into this, and I almost felt as if I held a piece of his life in my hands. I was so happy!
And now I recently started reading it (I wanted to wait until I really had more time and peace in my soul to take it in) and I have come a little less then half way into the book. It brings up a lot of feelings reading what he has gone through already as a young child and it’s interesting to see how even the smallest things can be a big change in a child’s life. From his perspective now it’s so much easier to see where things went wrong and why it lead into a path where he ended up in prison as a young adult.
It made me realize the importance that the adults have in young peoples life’s. How things like not being trusted or seen or respected can actually destroy someones life for good. It leads into a path that later on leads into a worse path and so it goes on…
Even though I have not read the whole book yet, I know that this book is about change.
That everyone can change and that everyone deserves to get a chance to change. It’s never to late.
Pelle really did that. He started off really hard with criminality and violence but totally changed the path of his life and are now the most shining soul I know…a real “fire soul” that inspires so many people.
I am so, so thankful for this.

Pelles book “Från bränt barn till Eldsjäl”
The book is in Swedish and I know most of you who read this does not speak Swedish, but for those who do and are interested in reading his book you can find it HERE.
And if you ever wanted to learn Swedish but just waited for a good reason, now this is the reason 😉
I wanted Nanook to pose with the book, since Pelle is Nanook’s favorite human on this earth. He always gets over the moon excited when Pelle comes.

Pelle and Nanook on our kitchen floor, summar 2019 🙂

I was going to take a photo of the text that Pelle wrote to me in the book but Nanook put his paw on the page and my heart melted! So I just had to add this photo as well since it looked so cute 🙂

I was sooo happy to read this. I will try to translate it for you:
“Best Jonna. You and Stjärnfödd/Starborn has been with me as inspiration through every page of my book“
Stjärnfödd/Starborn is one of my photo artprints that he owns and that has been with him during these years that he’s been writing his book.
Thank you with all my heart Pelle! I can’t wait to continue reading your book now! ♥
Find his book here
It was a while ago since my last blogpost. It’s really been a crazy half year with so much work in many different ways, so I still feel like I try to catch up with everything. I still haven’t found that rythm I am searching for. But both me and Johan have been working really hard these months so I think thats why it feels like we are always a few steps behind with everything else.
But that is ok and I am not stressing about it. And I know for sure that now as Christmas comes things will slow down.
We are in the darkest time of the year now and I feel like things are suppose to go slow now. Its a good time for sitting in front of the fire. Drinking tea. Reading a book. Mediate. Make good food. All those cozy things that I’ve been longing for.
So now during Christmas that will be our number one focus.
I really hope you aswell, wherever you are, will take some time to yourself and calm down. I know December can be such a crazy month. Its good to remind ourselves to slow down and breath.
I will end this superlong blogpost now with my 3 last videos that I had not yet shared here on the blog! Maybe you have already seen them, but I will share them here anyway. My last video was actually published yesterday, and it’s a 3 hour long ice song that I recorded from the “singing ice” now in November. I really recommend listening to these sounds if you want to relax. I really like to have the ice sounds in the background while writing or reading or just relaxing.
I want to wish you all a beautiful week! Take care and I see you soon!
Much love to you all! ♥

Hello love, there are (at least) 2 typos in your blog – *summar* and *mediate*. Hope this helps!
How well do you speak Swedish?
Hejjjjjjj Thanks For all the Great Vlogs UpdatesAnd Especially You** As you Cheer Up My Life so Much and I just Love Your endearing Qualities Hope You Got My Xmas Kort As sent To address But Heyy Uget so many I guess So wishing You johan Family&Team God Jul Gott Nytt A”**r puss kram tony c Uk xxxx
Hey Jonna,
This is shubhangi from India. I am 52 years old.Today is the first day when I saw your YouTube channel. My daughter Nikita introduced me to it and believe me you, I had an instant connect with you.
You are a pure soul with child like innocence and energy. I see my reflection in you.
Your videos(watched 5 today) are very soothing and heart warming. You make one of the harsh seasons look so beautiful and interesting through your photography..
I don’t know why but my eyes teared up while watching you. You must have inspired thousand of viewers to follow their heart and do what makes them most happy. I too hope to get inspired one day and leave all worldly things behind and follow my heart in the mountains.
There is a saying in Hindu scripture that says Everyone in this world has a work (karma) to do while on Earth and I think yours is to make millions happy, calm and thankful for every little thing around them. Watching your videos is like meditation.
I will be watching all your videos and getting more and more inspired to live my life on my terms.
Thanks for sharing your life with me Jonna. Hope to meet you one day.
Lots of love and warm wishes to you.
Hej ❤️
How wonderful to read something from you again! I am looking this page up for news nearly every day ?
And yes I do remember Pelle and when I am a little more stable financially I will definitely buy his book! Already put it on my “Swedish – learning-booklist” but for now I will continue to practice with children books, that’s my current level at this time ?
Thank you for being the light you are, thank you for taking the time you need…. ❄️✨
Lots of love from me and my herd ?❤️
Stor kram,
Hello, I just wanted to write that also Finland has glögg! I think every Finnish person loves that too. <3
I am huge fan of your videos, thank you for filming and sharing the beauty of our amazing Nordic nature. <3
Your most recent “ice singing” video has been perfect music for my wiring projects. Thank you! (, USA)
Writing not wiring! ?
Every moment you share with the whole world ia just PERFECT and so your words! THANK YOU SO MUCH for the lovely details when in Nature and at your cozy place! so much LOVE. Avilek.-
Ahh that soumd so inspiring..let us know when the english copy will be out!
Love to read your writing, it made my soul getting o warmer with full of dreaming in December – my best love moment of the year.
Isfilmen! Vilken grej! Är helt förundrad. Vilken konstnär du är!
Så himla kul att läsa!
Jag känner (eller kanske kände) Pelle lite oxå eftersom jag jobbade i ett projekt med nyföretagande, i Kåken, i samma veva som du var där.
Så jag var och lyssnade på dig på Kåken, du fick en keramikhäst av mig ?. Fantastisk föreläsning!
Du ören fantastisk människa och en otrolig förebild ❤️
Dear Jonna <3
such a joy to read you again 🙂
The more photos I looked at especially read your thoughts I thought :
" Jonna has now completly arrived in her new blog ! "
My girlfriend an I live in the north of Jämtland and have similar weather and also emotional experiences.
We will order the book or get it at the Academibook store in Oestersund 🙂 maybe immediately because my friend is studying Socionomin.
She`s done her studies in a year 🙂
Thank you again for all the beautiful pictures and videos and sharing your thoughts and feelings with us.
dear greetings from Claudia Amitola
Bonjour, j’ai découvert vos vidéos par hasard et j’adore, les photographies sont superbes et on sent en vous l’artiste!
J’adore la nature et trouve dans vos vidéos de l’évasion et du bonheur. Je suis ravie car je comprends vos paroles, moi qui ne parles pas trop l’anglais. Bonne continuation !
Thank You Jonna ! I wish you a super-nice weekend and merry Christmas !
Hi Jonna,
I have watched all your videos, even the earliest ones. They always give me a moment of lovely relaxation. I love the way you celebrate the ordinary miracles in life. I hope you have a lovely Christmas full of wonder and joy.
Hey Jonna Merry Christmas and Mid Winter greetings to all of you creatures there 🙂
Dear Jonna,
You are always such an inspiration to us all. Even in times like now. Thank you!! Wishing you and your family a very Merry Christmas, and a Happy New Year!
I think we can trust Nanook’s instincts about other people 🙂
Wish I was able to read Pelle’s book. Maybe in the future I will be.
Wishing you, Johan, your family and the team a merry Christmas & a happy 2021.
Gomorgon Jonna
Ligger och tänker, boken är
lite som tiden vi har framför oss.
Mörk på flera sätt, ljusnar, bakslag.
Tankar slår rot, får jaget att växa
upp ur omgivningen och så nya
Men brända barn blir även aska.
Så hemskt att det behövs
men FINT!!! Att du finns Pelle ❤
Såg ut som en skön kontrast
att få bli “golvad” av Nanook.
Önskar dig en FIN! Jul
Och Jonna, dina videos…
Ligger och tänker, på alla känslor
och tankar som ligger bakom
det jag nu ser framför mig.
Jag tror jag ser dom för att vi är lika.
Men är glad för att vi är olika.
För du får mig att se, det jag inte sett.
Som “isfisar” luktar dom? ? ❤
En blek “måne” bland “isberg”, fjäll.
Fyra tassars LIVSGLÄDJE!!!
på snöig grusväg.
För en tid sedan stod jag i månljus
med ett fruset universum
under mina fötter.
Jag tänkte inte på det då.
För både jag och tanken stod stilla.
När skuggan rörde sig
I ljuset över isen.
Lyssnade på sången som reste sig
när temperaturen föll.
Men tänker på det nu.
Önskar alla ljus i mörkret.
För en lång kopp.
Hoi Jonna, ik geniet elke keer weer van je mooie video’s. Ik wens jullie hele mooie kerstdagen en een gezond 2021!
I was smiling while reading this long blog post. It reminded me of your old blog. I’m always happy to follow your daily life.
This book sounds really good and heartbreaking at the same time. I hope it will be translated into english one day.
Thank you so much Jonna for this third ice song video. I often listen to your ice song videos while i’m writing and reading.
I wish you a happy christmas from France !
ce – ice bathing. You gave me courage Jonna to do it again. Thanks! Today is a long time (the last time on November 30th, 2019) that I was ice bathing again. Out of the comfort zone. And yes, it was tough. Very, very windy. I had lost a lot of weight, a lot. That’s why it’s twice as hard. But, water is my element and I’ve been ice bathing every year. Now I’ll do it more often again, but without wind. And the video here is beautiful. An incomparable beauty that only bright souls can produce. Thank you so much. Much love- Volker
Eis – Eisbaden. Du hast mir Mut gemacht Jonna, es wieder zu tun. Danke! Heute seid langer Zeit (das letzte mal am 30.November 2019) das ich wieder Eisbaden war. Heraus aus der Kompfortzone. Und ja, es war hart. Sehr, sehr windig. Ich hatte viel Gewicht verloren, sehr viel. Darum ist es doppelt hart. Aber, Wasser ist mein Element und ich bin jedes Jahr Eisbaden gewesen. Jetzt werde ich es wieder öfter tun, aber ohne Wind. Und das Video hier ist wunderschön. Eine unvergleichliche Schönheit die nur helle Seelen hervorbringen können. Vielen, lieben Dank. Viel Liebe- Volker
Dear Jonna,
I’m writing from Italy, not far from the Dolomites ?? I’m a new follower-reader and a very passionate fan of yours! Finding and watching your videos and art pieces in general is helping me to go through this tough year in a way I couldn’t possibly imagine. I know it might sound wired, but it’s like you give me the “permission” to dream, plan, build a new future… but also to feel myself, slow down and find my own path.
I’m in love with nature and I’m looking for a way to build my life and work around it.
You’re such a light and inspiration for me! Thank you very much!
PS: a friend and I, with our boyfriends, are going to make glögg for the new years eve! Or try at least!! I hope we’ll be able to make a good one! We’re looking for good recipes on the internet. ??
Lost of love from Italy to you, Johan, your family and the lovely Nanook! ?
Hi Jonna ♥ I feel the same way about the extremes – I would love to move closer to the Arctic Circle so I could experience the wide weather varieties!
I’ve been picking up a little Swedish every now and then from following some Swedish people on Instagram, so perhaps one day I’ll be able to read his book ? Also, I love that candle fixture you have in your window. It’s so pretty!
Love from Texas ♥
Så glad att jag nu hittat din nya sida! Så jättefint inlägg och många fina bilder. Önskar er nu en fin vinter och ljus vår ??
love that your blog has started up again ! wonderful pictures ! Thank you, Jonna
Dear Jonna, dear Johan, kära Nanouk <3
in this order 🙂
hope you are healthy? I very much hope that you don`t have a power outage?! i hope you have enough firewood in the house to heat ,
I hope that the snow is not so high that you can heardly go outside ! Of course also enough to eat .
When so much snow falls, we realize how limited our lives are without electricity.
A little message would be so nice.
Dear , lovely greetings <3
from the snowy Jämtland I send too you
P.S. we now have the book by Pelle Lundström 🙂
Jonna! I’ve been reading your posts for some time now but oh how I yearn to live such a mindful life. It pains me at times to wake up where I do. I am happy but I want to experience nature in its fullness, to swim in the water and touch the snowy trees, and to feel the ice underneath my feet. I hope you post soon!
Wow 🙂 jag har inte varit inne ett tag pa din blogg och din YouTube sa det är först nu jag läser detta. Sa vackra fotografier och vilken spännande bok!! Jag har en lang lista nu pa böcker fran Sverige som jag absolut maste beställa och läsa, det blir inte billigt men…. Jag har ju inget svenskt bibliotek att ga till härnere. :-/
bl.a. Fredrik Backmans bok “Trasiga människor” (ligger fyra pa New York Times best seller lista!) och “Bomullsängeln” av Susanna Alakoski och “översten” av Ola Larsmo (och sa denna nu 😉
Med din publicitet kommer nog första upplagan att bli slutsald pa ett kick! Jag hoppas att den mycket snart blir översatt till engelska. 🙂
Jag är glad att ni mar bra och att det gar bra för er. Jag hoppas att ni har fatt fina vinterdagar med vila och skönhet. >3 *kram* Josephine
Dear Jonna,i want to thank you for being such a bright, lovely ,down to earth and caring person. I am watching your videos everyday,as a daily therapy and i will admit that all the good things that were hidding in me, are coming out now.Your videos are like a ray of sunshine,a ray of hope that we all need now,so thank you for making me to realize what is really impprtant and how the smallest things can be the most amazing and wonderful ones.Love Sweden,love amazing nature that you have there and feel a very big joy , excitement and warmth in my heart and soul ,whenever i see your beautiful videos or photos that depict nature’s beauties in their best. P.S. You and Johan are the cutest and the best couple i have ever seen in my life! I wish you happiness and best of luck in your life!! Much love and hugs))
Hi Jonna, have you ever mentioned the star sign of you husband? I know you are a cancer, and I was wondering, as you seem to be so compatible, which sign he is?
Thank you!
Hi Jonna,
i just found it on your blog and your work.
Amazing what you do, is very inspiring to me your free soul. <3
I saw you collect herbs for herbal tea.
I do the same and these plants are great pieces.
Pls, tell me what you put the tea leaves in to soaking of the mug.
I don't like to put it in a metal holder.
How are you doing?
Many thx.
Hi Jonna
You create wonderful things. It is all so inspiring. In one of your films you mentioned birch tea. This made me very curious, I started to read more about it. Can you write when is the best time to collect the leaves – now I can’t remember which movie it was. You only use young leaves or twigs and those hanging shoots with seeds too. Do you only use them as Tea only? Do you use birch in any other way?
Best regards
Do not forget Elsa: “An act of true love will thaw a frozen heart”. 🥶🥰❤️😊
I am from India🇮🇳. Your videos are nice and i👍💚
I found your blog and songs by accident one day as I was searching for meditative music for a class I was teaching. I love the sounds of the ice, I listen to them daily they seem to make me feel whole. Thank you for taking your time in creating such beauty.
Love from Arizona (Valley of the Sun)
I was wondering what done you use. It is not showing up under your videos. Thank you in advance.
I find your videos inspirational and motivational.
You approach everything with hope, and show a humbleness in difficulty that is real.
Such as the key being locked, and with uplifting messages, but sharing the set backs and struggle.
It is clear at times the challenges which mount, beit task at hand, or harshness of environment, should discouragement be expressed, you acknowledge this as human.
Always followed with relentlessness to continue.
To not quit, on an idea, a challenge, to follow a dream.
I am a landscaper by trade. A small business in Connecticut, U.S. I am blessed with my wife Amy, daughter Isabella, sons Maxwell and Gabriel.
Within the last 2 years I’ve attempted to craft custom wood n stone products within my design n build clients. With responsibilities to support everyone.
Often to my peers, and family it was foolish.
Using reclaimed wood, hiking and hauling out tree fall, with a chain saw, and collecting various types of stone.
To cut as veneer. I became disinterested in the spec materials and high cost of cheap materials that are common and cold in my trade.. I spent time in view of others as waste, in experimenting with stone cutting, and hand milling lumber. I found peace in these materials. In ideas, in building things, often failing.
I’d joke prototype 5.0 but as a front. Thinking they’re right I’m wasting time.
I became disinterested in cleaning yards, and building outdoor living from a material catalog.
To a point where I began to listen to others.
And view my ideas as foolish.
I found your videos in a simple search of Northern Lights and environmental fly overs.
And didn’t realize the art and inspiration you share would offer me support to think.
I’m not quitting on my ideas.
I cannot simply quit my existing business model.
But in last 3 months 2 fence projects I contracted where custom builds. And 4 other projects this summer as under scheduleding deposit are stone projects, incorporating post and beam material.
All materials as custom that will not be purchased from distributors. The time spent crafting materials is slowly becoming reality. To become a custom design and build contractor. Offering materials no one can duplicate. An art outlook to a heavy labor trade.
Adding a new love for my business which became a job over the years.
So long story, Long or short,
Thank you. I used the winter as my time to craft.
CT between N.YC. and Boston is nothing like your area, but my family and neighbors thought I was crazy. Always coming home with various collected materials as thought of as waste or wasted labor and time. Using space heaters to work, and being out when everyone was cozy inside.
Again viewing me as crazy, or in mid life crisis.
Watching your videos was in many ways inspiring to say forget what others think. Follow your heart and ideas. And suck it up when conditions are difficult and it would be easier to sleep a day away watching streaming shows to binge.
So bests to you and your freinds/ work crew.
And thank you for offering, support. Unknowingly to me and I’m sure many many others on around our world.
Sincerely, Peace, and Bests
Louis LaGuardia
Tänk att det var reportage om telias nedstängning av telenätet i norrland. Det var på dn hemsida idag 2 maj. Ingen tele och fiber. Det var precis så det var i din gamla blogg och de intervjuar frida bylund i myckelgensjö. Det känns precis som vi är tillbaka där det började och du hade ditt första jobb.
Do you wanna build a snowman?
( Write a blog post )
Come on, let’s go and play
I never see you anymore
Come out the door
It’s like you’ve gone away
We used to be best buddies
And now we are not
I wish you would tell me why
( You don’t need to, I know )
We only have each other
It’s just you and me
( From a very particular point of view )
What are we gonna do?
( Maybe write a little? )
Do you wanna build a snowman?
It doesn’t have to be a snowman
If you want some food for thought check Netflix series “Katla” by Icelandic director, screenplay writer, producer Baltasar Kormákur.
A masterpiece from the “Land of the Gods.”
Oh, I just got here from your old blog, read your last blog post over there and isn’t it so strange that even though I don’t know you I felt such a strong overwhelming feeling of nostalgia, a little sadness but also happiness for you! ^_^ I’ve been reading about your journey almost since the start. It’s so amazing to get to see how someone follows her dreams and blossoms! I so admire you, a true inspiration as you are in every step of your way. Keep going, I’ll be watching you! (Hahah that sounded too creepy!) 😀
I’ve been watching your videos on YouTube and I saw on one you said you had the ice sounds available to download for free somewhere. I forget which video it was on and I can’t find it now. Can you help me find it? I would love to download it. I love your art and jewelry and your videos. I recently found out that I am 28% Sweden DNA! I knew at least 50% was from Norway and some from Germany but I never knew I had any Sweden in me. I wish I could afford to get something for my 40th birthday that’s one month away. I am trying to plan to at least retire over there somewhere. I hate living in the US.
Haha! This is so cute . She is a little busy with her work and life at the moment maybe. But she posts vlogs every month . I know we want more beautiful vlogs, blogs , words of wisdom from her but she also has a personal life . I understand and feel what you meant . 🙂 I miss her too sometimes . But i find peace in the fact that she is enjoying her life and happy . Thats what matters .
Dearest Jonna, I love your videos and the wonderful lifestyle you’re living. We could all learn from you, especially here in America. I try to always find peace and serenity in my life despite the hardships I face. Your videos inspire me. Please, could you tell me where to find the white candelabra you have in the window? Something about it is so soothing to the soul…..
Já, það er margt í heimi hér sem við munum aldrei fá botn í. En þrátt fyrir það hefur náttúran leiðir til að leiðbeina okkur.
Ef við bara höfum augun opin. 😳🌋🇮🇸😊
Last winter your studio turned into a snowy landscape and the faucet froze solid. This winter you have mysterious problem to heat your house, that
makes Johan scratch his head. Do you believe that a new door is going to fix it? And what is this obsession with constantly taking ice baths?
I receive alarming messages from your innermost Spirit. I am afraid you are being pointed to a presence of a dark entity in your very close proximity. You have to investigate what is this entity all about, where is it hiding and courageously face it, even if it is going to hurt. There is no other way if you do not want to turn into a Jötunn. Remember, our Allfather willfully suffered for knowledge on a Tree of Yggdrasil. Lots of love. ❤️
I got this insight how to put my previous comment in a different way. It is perfectly conceivable that your enchantment with the empowering
effects of extreme cold on your body and mind, started manifesting in your direct experience as strange phenomena of snowy studio and
cold house. Entity I talk about simply represents your attachment to this empowerment. Of course, such an attachment may bring many
positive as well as negative consequences that have to be investigated and can be considered as Nature’s Guidance.
Hi Jonna, I love your work an art. I see most of yours videos on youtube. You are my inspiration and I am wondering, if you can write me some places in sweden, where i would go. I want visit sweden so much since i started looking on your videos. Thank you for everithing you doing and keep going 🙂
Allt í þessum heimi endurtekur sig.
Sólin rís og sólin sest.
Sólin rís á ný.
Við erum ung og gömul.
Við fæðumst og deyjum.
Allt gengur í hringi, það er óskiljanlegt.
Að þið séuð báðar lifandi samtímis er óskiljanlegt.
En hver er ég að efast um eðli hlutanna ?
Eg verð að sætta mig við það.
Hvað ef þessi loftsteinn gæti skynjað hvað við hugsum ?
Ef hann gæti lesið okkur ?
Vissi hvers við söknum ?
Hvað við elskum ?
Hvað við þráum ?
Ég held að þetta fyrirbæri endurskapi manneskjur út frá hugsunum og tilfinningum
þeirra sem umgangast hana.
Heartfelt congratulations on your scholarship.🌹 Your excitement was extraordinary.🌪 Thank you for sharing astral Jonna. 🌠 I am glad to be here for you. Lots of love.❤️😊
Hi Jonna,
i just love your blog and your work.
Amazing what you do, is very inspiring to me your free soul.
Hearing voices of our ancestors is one of the special psychic abilities or spiritual powers. It is in the same category as out-of-body experience or astral projection. There is nothing to be scared about. You are an ancient soul and as we evolve spiritually certain abilities occur spontaneously. 🧚♀️
Spiritual powers can also be developed on purpose. Yogis in India pursue them vigorously. They are called siddhis. Wim Hof can be considered a yogi who developed certain siddhi but there is nothing unusual about it. Yogis in Himalayas wear thin robes in subzero temperatures, sleep on the bare floor, eat very little and do not make big fuss about it like him.
Pursuing siddhis may have unintended, negative consequences. We may consider them negative but in fact they just teach us something about ourselves we don’t want to hear. Nature speaks to us in a language of symbols. It is easy to figure out symbolism in frozen, snowy studio and cold house. It is the dominant motivation why do we pursue siddhis that matters.
Special psychic abilities, we develop in past incarnations, can lay dormant in our subconscious mind and get activated when something triggers them.
Have you ever wondered who were you in your past lives ? ☸️ Important questions to ask is why are voices of our ancestors audible to you ? What do they try to tell you ? 🤔
Thank you for all you and family share. Love, prayers and best wishes. Kerlig hilsener.
What a joy to see a glimpse of my precious, mystical, astral Jonna. 🧝♀️ These days she lives in a shadow of other Jonnas. There is Jonna the businesswoman, efficiently running her jewelry shop.👩💻💶 There is Jonna the householder, taking good care of her homestead.👩🌾🏘 There is Jonna the storyteller 👩🏫 diligently, month after month, producing a new episode of a bedtime story for childish, young souls. They just love this fantasy about beautiful princess and handsome prince living a virtuous life in a far-away land. 👸🤴🏰🤭 No offence – everybody starts this earthly journey as a young soul. 👼 This is the best poor babies can do to visualize the spiritual kingdom they belong to. Storytelling Jonna does great job pointing them to it.
But my precious, mystical, astral Jonna 🧝♀️ knows that all the other Jonnas are just small fishes swimming in a beautiful bowl of samsara year after year. 🐟🐟🐟 She senses that there is something more to her than them. 🤔 She cannot quite put her finger on what it is but now she knows where to look for answers. She understands that það er margt í heimi hér sem við munum aldrei fá botn í. En þrátt fyrir það hefur náttúran leiðir til að leiðbeina okkur. She keeps her augun og eyrun opin. She listens to voices of our ancestors talking to her from another dimension. What do they tell her ? This will be a subject of a next episode of a bedtime story for my precious, mystical, astral girl. 🧝♀️😊
It’s a joy to watch your YouTube videos. Your awards are well deserved, so congratulations! I especially love the sounds of ice moving and vibrating to their own language. It’s so calming and meditative. Thank you so much for this in such a stressful world.
Jonna, you confuse two things. Yes, creative process may involve considerable discomfort, when we have to use the limited power our personal will to break through an inertia in our bodies and minds, to get it started. But creativity does not com from a feeling of a discomfort. It is a story an ego weaves to make itself feel important. It comes from a connection with an intelligence much greater than ours we are a part of: Universal Mind, Pure Consciousness or Spirit that is a field of pure potential and unlimited possibilities. Creativity in any field is about becoming a channel for its expression. When we truly connect with it, creative process is completely effortless. It is a state of flow. You know that. You experienced it many times. Believing the story an ego weaves only impedes the creative process.
Like many Nordic women you have a very strong sense of an individual self, personality or ego. Nothing wrong with it, you need it to survive in a harsh, northern conditions. This is a part of you that wants to “get chit done” as you charmingly pronounce it. But an ego needs to realize what it really is.
Ego can be compared to a construction site manager. Yes, it has a very important job to do to make sure that everything proceeds according to the plans an on schedule. But precisely because of that it may start thinking that it owns the site and even the whole construction company. The land and the company are owed by the shareholders. The sole shareholder in every company called human being is Pure Spirit. Shareholders are not involved in a day-to-day operations. This would describe an aspect of Pure Spirit as a silent witness of the world.
Shareholders appoint a board of directors that hire chief and other executive officers. They hire architects and engineers to design the project and check its feasibility. This process would describe an aspect of Pure Spirit as a creator of the universe we call God. Then and only then, the construction site general manager can do its job. It doesn’t have any creative power. But it has an authority to get back to its supervisors to change the design if necessary. This could describe the limited freedom of our personal will to evolve spiritually, striving to become a cleaner and cleaner channel for an expression of a Pure Spirit in every aspect of our lives, or not.
I hope Pelle’s book is translated into English as I would love to read it. I live in Canada and was born in the land of the midnight sun (Aklavik, NWT), however we moved south when I was small and I don’t remember it so to find your vlogs has been so marvellous and exciting for me. You and Johan are beautiful souls.
Tough Nordic woman you are won’t admit it but I know that you spent many long, dark, cold, winter, nights yearning for a companion. 😊 And you married wonderful, supportive guy like Johan plus your parents live nearby. You dreamt about more space in your home and you got big homestead. You dreamt about more money and you got good income from your jewellery and prints shops and YouTube channel. Universe bends over backwards to accommodate your desires. You just didn’t know that Maya’s gifts come with strings attached. They devour the most precious commodity you have – your attention.
Your current dilemma is as old as humanity itself. I love this story from ancient India. Perhaps some aspects of it may offend contemporary, western sensibilities concerning gender roles. 😲 But things were different back then, and still are in many parts of the world. It is not details that matter but story’s deeper meaning.
Long, long time ago in India lived very famous swami. 😇 People kept coming from all over the country seeking his darshan. Swami didn’t have any possessions. All he owed was a pair of traditional Hindu underwear that looks like a big diaper. When it was dirty he used to take it off and wash it in the river. But this didn’t sit well with his disciples. They kept telling him: Look, you are a famous swami, people come from all over India seeking your darshan and you stand in the river naked washing your underwear. You should have a second pair to put on while you wash the first one. And they kept bugging him about it until he finally agreed to get him a second pair.
But his disciples still were not satisfied. They started telling him: Look, you are a famous swami, people come from all over India seeking your darshan and you wash your underwear yourself. You should have wife to do it for you. And they kept bugging him about it until he finally agreed that they find him a wife.
His new wife said to him: Look swami, I don’t mind washing your underwear but I am a woman, I want to have a baby. Soon swami ended up with big family, big household and big business to support it that consumed all of his attention and he didn’t have time for a spiritual pursuit anymore. His disciples represent activation of his dormant desires for wealth, convenience, companionship, love, family. And everything started with a second pair of underwear.
Well, I am not saying that you should own only one pair of underwear and wash it naked in Shallow Lake. 😊 Such a spectacle could certainly attract some uninvited visitors to Grundtjärn. 😱 Only you can solve your dilemma how to find a proper balance between your mundane and spiritual pursuits. There is nothing wrong with having a family and you have to make a living somehow. But you are far too spiritually advanced being to be satisfied with fulfilling your earthly desires only. This pain that you feel ,when you don’t have time to be creative, will only grow stronger. It is your innermost Spirit calling you back home just as it kept calling Elsa in “Frozen”.
Swami Satchidananda gives us beautiful advice in his commentaries to Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras.
“According to the Vedantic term, nature is called Maya or illusion. To whom is it Maya ? To the person who has understood it. To others it is still real.”
“Know nature well. Don’t try to run from it. Let there be no running away or dropping out. Escapism never helps us. If we try to leave something now, we will have to face it in a more difficult form later on.”
“We must always be alert and aware with Maya. The world will try to cheat us in every way. It will attempt to come through every nook and corner. We must have thousands of eyes all over in order to face the world. BUT WE MUST FACE IT, UNDERSTAND IT, ANALYZE IT AND SOLVE ITS TESTS.”
“Once we solve and understand our problems, we become masters. Once we are masters, we are no longer bound by nature. It becomes our slave.”
It is exhilarating to watch you getting so much “chit” done. Jonna the construction site general manager certainly deserves big, fat, juicy bonus from
the construction company. 🏗️📈💰😊
Everywhere you move in you are driven to strip floors, walls and ceilings looking for the hidden beauty behind them. You are just like me. When you quiet your mind enough in meditation, you discover that at your very core shines the light of pure consciousness. Its essence is wholeness, completeness, absolute peace, unconditional love, unrestricted creativity. This is our true home. It is never affected by anything but, like in a material home, many layers of conditioning from past incarnations can accumulate on the surface. When a pure light shines through them, it may appear as fear, helplessness, hopelessness anger, hatred, contempt. This is why it is so important to see through and remove the dysfunctional layers. Strictly speaking we are never disconnected from the source of all creativity. The dysfunctional layers only make it appear that we are.
I love the way you inquire. Spirit guide in form of an orb of light points you to the importance of a moment. You respond beautifully by asking appropriate questions what can it possibly mean for you and make your decision. Já, það er margt í heimi hér sem við munum aldrei fá botn í. En þrátt fyrir það hefur náttúran leiðir til að leiðbeina okkur. Paradoxically, Nature or Maya veils our true essence from us but also guides us to reveal it. Ef við bara höfum augun opin. Good job. 👍
I also love quantum physics. Modern quantum physicists, astonished and often reluctant, come to the same conclusions as ancient sages of India discovered millennia ago. I am not surprised that voice recorder didn’t record much. Most likely you and Johan sense the residual energy of events that happened in this forest over many centuries. This energy wants to dissipate. I would go there and listen. Maybe this forest has a message for you ? 🤔 But if you decide to do that, go about it slowly and wisely. Be open and loving but if you feel that forest affects you too much, get back. Maybe try again another time.
It looks nobody really comprehends the true meaning of your endeavour. You don’t renovate an old house. You build a temple for the Deity you
worship: Creative Aspect of an Universal Spirit. Like every temple builder you spare no effort and expense to achieve a result close to perfection.
You hit a roadblock because you believe a thought, Maya managed to implant in your mind, that your project would be finished by the end of this
month. Why it has to be the case ? This project IS AN EXPRESSION of the Creative Spirit that dwells in your heart and mind. You do exactly what you
always have wanted to do – being creative. What difference does it matter how long it takes. It is a Sacred Project. It takes what it takes. It took two
centuries to build Notre-Dame Cathedral in Paris. Construction of Sagrada Familia Cathedral in Spain began in 1882 and is still not finished.
Creative Spirit may express itself as a temple but it doesn’t need a temple to express itself. Its expression is completely independent from any material
circumstances. You edited nice vlog from your closet. You lived in an old school when you produced true pearls of short videos I love to watch over
and over again.
I think that you sense some confusion in your surrounding about true meaning of your endeavour. This makes you feel a little guilty, nervous and impatient to have it finished as quickly as possible. Well, welcome to the club. Artists and deeply spiritual people are rarely understood.
If you are interested in any advice I would say: Forget about deadlines when this project will be finished. Attend to your other responsibilities. Enjoy your summer. Return to it when the time is right with the reverence it deserves.