Hi friends!
It is Saturday evening and I’m sitting in the beautiful kitchen in my art studio, working on some photos and enjoying the sound of the fire in the stove and my dog Nanook snoring on the kitchen floor.
This exact moment is what I dreamed about a year ago, when I stood here on a ladder in the kitchen, with a mess everywhere, painting the walls and spending all my energy and time on the renovation of this little house.
What gave me so much energy to work on this art studio is this moment that I’m in right now. I could see in my mind how this place would one day give me so much joy, peace and inspiration.
And now that is my reality. Now I get to enjoy it, and it feels so amazing that I barely find the words.

The light this afternoon gave me such a boost of happiness! I was going to get some wood for the stove so that I could keep the fire alive all evening, and the sun was just about to set behind the forest on the other side of the lake. The light became so soft, and with a subtle touch of pink, and it just gave me a feeling of a new time to come. The spring.

It’s still so, so far away. We are only in the beginning of February, which is one of the coldest months of the year. But I know that every year around this time, the new kind of light can shift something inside of you. It’s like a whisper of something beautiful to come. A new cycle of life.
And usually around this time of the year, when I haven’t felt my bare feet on the earth in half a year, I can burst out in a ugly cry just to think about green trees and leafs, or the smell of the roses in my summer garden. It feels like such a long time ago. And it feels like an eternity until that will come again.
The winters are really long here. But there is so much beauty and good things about that too.
It’s a quiet time that opens up a lot of space for being alone and being in your own bubble without too many distractions. And that is something I usually miss in the summertime.
So, instead of crying thinking about the smell of roses, I’m going to enjoy the smell of the fire in the stove, and the wonderful sound of crunchy snow as I walk outside, and the peaceful never-ending evenings in my art studio.

For those of you who saw my latest YouTube video, I want to let you know that Nanook is feeling so much better now! He was struggling a lot a few weeks ago, and it was such hard time with so much worries and sadness. But he got through it and for the past week he’s been even better than before.
He is such a fighter ♥

When we took our evening walk this cold Saturday evening, I got blown away by the night sky. Since there is new moon now, the sky is totally black and that makes the stars even more visible. So I ran into my studio to pick up my camera bag so that I could set up my camera to create a timelapse.
So one of my cameras is still out there in the cold to record a beautiful little film of the milky way swirling around in the sky.

I took this photo and as you can see, the milky way is going right between the trees. You can also see the Andromeda galaxy in the middle of the photo, a little bit to the left. Isn’t that incredible?
There is a whole other galaxy there. Its just…so hard to take in.
How I wish I could just fly up there and discover all the stars and galaxies.
Now it’s getting late here and I will actually spend my night in the art studio. Nanook is already alseep, and I think I’m going to join him soon. Just another cup of tea in front of the fire.
I’m sending so much love to all of you who comes here to read my blog. I’m really glad that this way of creating and sharing is still so appreciated by so many of you. And thank you, THANK YOU for all the beautiful comments. I read every single word you write.
Talk to you soon! Good night from me and Nanook ♥
Glad to see that Nanook is better! They are so precious!
I loved your February video, Jonna and Johan. It is your real life snippets. If Johan would share some of his past,that would we great. We all love you two! But we understand he likes his privacy too, like your fun Uncle. He is delightful too. Family is such a great unit of society, stability. Share what is COMFORTABLE, Johan. We send accepting love from internet highway…
When you say, “I haven’t felt my bare feet on the earth in half a year”, I wonder why not? I live in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan, on the shores of Lake Superior, and even mid-winter, I like to step outside, into the snow, for at least a short time, to feel the thrill of the coldness on my feet. You want to talk about refreshing, that feeling certainly is! I’m glad your fur-baby is better, and I wish you a Happy New Year, from a third-generation Finnish-American. My Grandpa was scheduled to be on the Titanic, but, thankfully, illness delayed his trip!
So happy to hear Nanook is doing better!
Ahh blessing to you and thankful Nanook is feeling better… your art studio is so beautiful! Enjoy the peacefulness.
Yay! I’m so happy to hear Nanook is feeling better! 🤗 I love reading your blog posts and seeing your beautiful photos. And I look forward to your next YouTube video. I watch every single one! Thank you, Jonna. You are such a bright light! 💖
I’m so extremely glad to hear Nanook is doing better. I’ve been thinking about him a lot, so this truly warms my heart!
Also, I just love seeing your pictures here on your blog. It’s so, sooo much better than Instagram! The last photo, the one of the stars, is a good example of that. I already thought the picture was beautiful on Instagram, but it’s EVEN better seeing it in full. So I’m thankful you write and post photos here once in a while! ❤️ And that you still have a following on a format that otherwise seems kinda “dead”. I’m actually really sad blogs are dying out, because if you ask me, it’s a much better way of sharing photos and moments, than Instagram.
Take care, and please hug Nanook from us! 🥰
Thank you for your beautiful work, the video’s remind me so much of my time in Switzerland when I was working there in the mountains for the winter season.
I understand your love for the cold winters, they are so special and wonderfull……throughout your story’s i can relive those winters again!
Lots of love from rainy Amsterdam where spring is going to bloom soon! Big hugs for Nanook❤️
I have so loved all of your endeavors with the YouTube’s, recording of the ice, and the blog. Thank you 🙏 I too am happy Nanook is feeling more like himself. ❤️🐶
Yaay Nanook! And Yaay galaxies!
Felicidades Jonna me alegro que todo vaya bien en tu vida, siempre traes mucha alegría y felicidad a la mía.
Saludos al gran Nanook luchador, que tu salud siga mejorando.
Good to hear that Nanook is doing better. Enjoy so much of your videos on YouTube for me to escape the busy world around where I live in a country farm house in Newberg Oregon USA. Have a Lovely Sunday.
Du ger mig så mycket inspiration och glädje, fina fina du!
When I was feeding my animals this morning, I wondered how Nanook was doing! So happy for all of you.
Such stunning photos! That one of you and Nanook, though, just melts my heart. The love between you two shines through. I’m also so thankful for your beautiful art studio. I know it has already brought you so much joy and has helped you keep the creative vibes through the long winter months. Create on!!!
Happy to hear Nanook is doing better! and I hope you and your family are doing well…. ( My package arrived VERY fast, and it looks awesome and fits perfectly) Thank you SO much for the beautiful pictures!…. CHEERS !
I’m so happy that Nanook is better, I was so worried and moved watching your latest video.. I send you so much love 💙 Good night to both of you 🌌
You are such an inspiring woman sharing your deep peace of the land and beautiful creations. Thank you for this and your uplifting words leaving good feelings.
Hello Jonna – Because there is so much light pollution where I live I have never really seen the stars – I am an old lady now and will never have the chance to, so your pictures are really appreciated and so beautiful. Much love to Nanook, glad he is feeling better.
The happy thought of you and Nanook sleeping in your studio💖
So Happy to hear Nanook is feeling better. Thank you for sharing.
Hi Jonna,
Like many, I am overjoyed to hear that Nanook is doing better! Hope the pain and troubles have all gone away now. Enjoy your time in your cozy little house with your dream art studio and create some beautiful magic on the blank canvas in front of you. What a joy it must be living your dream after a long year getting this place ready. Wishing you and Johan all the best this year! You are just the best, and we love to share your world and hear about your journey! — Many Blessings! Theresa Lee
Hej Nanook and Jonna….and Johan…good to see you all, inspiring me to do more painting ! Break down the walls….
Just to add a tiny thing- In 4.5 billion years, Andromeda Galaxy and Milky Way will be colliding and over maybe another 5 billion years, they will merge into a new galaxy ! We do not have to worry about the stars crashing into each other due to the incredible distances- though maybe there could be some changes from the forces….
••• And, speak of missing nice weather- I plant Morning Glory flowers in my kitchen beginning of January- by March I will have beautiful blossoms at the windows….then in May, some hummingbirds return and they will come to windows to try to reach the flowers ! I just have the Morning Glories climb up lengths of twine at the sides of window ( inside house ).
Love reading the blog posts. A lost art, indeed! Happy to hear news of Nanook. xo
How beautiful… all of it. I have been following you on Youtube for about a year now and sooo look forward to your videos. So calming and lovely. Thank you for sharing your life.
Wow!! The pictures of the galaxies made my jaw drop!
I totally understand missing the feeling of grass on your feet. I take off my gloves to touch the trees but the merry is different- maybe they are sleepy haha
So glad Nanook is well and you are enjoying your studio!
I love these blogs from you. What a beautiful picture of your sky there, I love it. Thank you for sharing Jonna!💜
You are so lucky to have such a sky! Here, even if there was no light population, the cloud cover hides the night sky from us too often.
I could hear Nanook snoring from your description and your YouTube videos 🙂
Have you ever considered writing a book about your journey? Or maybe a photography style book.
Thank you so much Jonna for this! I’m so glad to hear that Nanook is better. I have been sending him and you healing energy everyday since I saw your last vlog.
I can feel the peace and joy of your studio and the beautiful night. Thank you for sharing!!
Your words, work and photography make the world a better place by bringing so much joy! I look forward to your posts! Keep staying your sparking self Jo! Kisses to Nanook !
I read everything you write and have seen all your vlogs and it warms my heart and make Me feel so much happier and more peaceful, you are such an amazing and inspirated woman. Thanks for sharing your and your familys life with us ❤️
Reading your blogs and watching your vlogs brings Warmth and Joy. Thank You Jonna..
So happy for you to be able to enjoy your hard work on your studio with your buddy Nanook. Thanks for your photos and writing tonight. No sun for the PNW of Canada 🇨🇦. But it’s light out until 5:30 pm now!
So relieved to hear Nanook is feeling better, have been worried about him! As you say he never gives up, I like the fighting spirit ! Sending you light and love 💕
It is always delightful to wake up and see you in the morning, so to speak, sharing some moments. Feeling privileged to do so. Enjoy all the wonder as usual. Peace and love to all…
Blessings! Glad to hear about Nanook! I have said once that I live vicariously through you as I read or watch and drift into your reality for a moment! It’s so refreshing and rejuvenating! Love to you❤️
Enjoy the fruits of your labour, Jonna! Really good ”Nanook-news”!
Hopefully, you will ow get some time to ”create”, gather energy and enjoy life in general! And don’t forget: ”Semmel day” on Tuesday!😀❤️
Thank you so much for your new blog. I love your pictures and description of the “world” around you and Nanook, who is doing better, which is the best news!!! 🙂 Love and light from Germany 🤍💛💙🤍
Dear Jonna, glad to hear that Nanook is feeling better! And the photo of the night sky is simply breathtaking! All the best for you and your family 💫
Hi Jonna, We are so happy to hear Nanook is feeling better. Thank you so much for your beautiful words and pictures. We anxiously await your next video. My husband wakes me every morning with your beautiful soul soothing music from you tube. Hugs from our family to yours.
Godmorgon Jonna
Kämpen räcker ut tungan mot…
Mina händer
Växte upp och blev stora
i pälsen på tre personligheter
Men mina händer
var aldrig lika nära och länge
Som dina är Nanook
Så för att hans personliga stjärnstoft
och stillsamma snarkningar.
Fortsätter att lysa upp
även mulna vinternätter.
Så fint att Nanook mår bättre, vilken jäkla kämpe han är! <3
You are so talented, Jonna!
I was thinking about Nanock and so so good he is better!When I read your blog I had a fire on too and my best cat friend beside me:)
You deserve to injoy this place so much.
Sending you and all who read the blog lots of love and warmth, for the rest of the winer journey to come!
My honour friend ,you give us the gift to close our eyes and full our mind with your photos.thank you and hopefully we find a way to give you back pictures of our Land you deserve it.Open your window let the bird arrive our message in your art studio.we see the same Stars Your friend from Greece.A Land full o fsun , we sent you our sunlights when you see over the trees the sunlights is the arrival of my message.<>.
BRAVO NANOOK FIGHTER.❤Spring is going to leave us and travel for your Land.
So relieved to hear that Nanook is feeling better. You have all been in my thoughts. I’m so happy for you in your new art studio, and feeling joyful about how it will nurture your creative soul! Thank you for all that you share. I never write comments, but have been following your vlogs for a long time, and they always speak to my soul and bring me such peace.
Love the photos of you and Nanook! You two definitely share an unbreakable love. I’m beyond delighted that he is doing so much better! I have been wondering how he was doing since the last video you posted on YouTube. Nanook the wonderful “polar bear” is a fighter!! The photos of the scenery are breathtaking, I love the slight pink- lilac hue. The white snow and your red house contrast each other beautifully too 🙂
Sending lots of love from California 🩵
So glad to hear that Nanook is feeling better now. I never forget the dogs I have had with me over the years and I love them all, but one in particular comes to me in my dreams. Here in France we just have grey weather and a lot of rain. I go out mostly to buy goods because I can’t walk any more and use a wheelchair. To put my foot out now would cover it in mud! Thank you for your lovely pages. They give me a lot of pleasure!
So happy to hear your sweet pup is better! Once they reach this age you realize how sacred every moment with them is.🐾❤️
Thank you for sharing your amazing life and wisdom with us!🌹
Jonna, I found your youtube videos a couple of months ago while looking for winter snow videos. I am so thankful to have found your sweet spirit.
What a different world you live in from mine in Southern Illinois, USA. I am amazed at your beautiful world there in Sweden. You truly inspire me to “get out there.” You are so brave. I love your sweet Nanook. I hope he continues with good health for many years.
It is wonderful to see both parts of you, Jonna and Nanook, joyful and happy. 🧝♀️🐺😊 Perhaps you wonder sometimes why do I write all these comments. I explained some of it once already but it was few years ago, you probably don’t remember.
I graduated in political science at the Jagiellonian University in Kraków, Poland 🇵🇱 and began an academic career when a thought about emigrating to North America got into my mind. I had no interest going anywhere but this thought kept growing and growing and it became so big that I couldn’t help acting on it. In the background there was was this completely overwhelming conviction that if I didn’t do it, I would miss something incredibly important.
I ended up on the west coast of Canada in Vancouver, British Columbia. 🇨🇦 For many years I kept asking myself questions like: what kind of a dark force brought me to this place, why do I hate it so much ? 🤷♂️ And then one day I realized: Damn, this place looks exactly like a coast of Norway 🇳🇴, even the climate is the same, I am back in Scandinavia, I cannot escape from it. Damn it.
Divine Mother or Great Goddess (Mahadevi in Sanskrit) revealed to me that in one of my past lives I was a skógarmaðr on the coast of Norway. Eventually I followed a route of many other ūtlagis to Iceland. 🇮🇸 And She considered it such a great idea to bring me back to Scandinavia in this life to get right these things, that I didn’t get last time. Mahadevi can be quite firm with bad boys and girls. In Hindu spirituality this aspect of Her is portrayed as fierce Deities of Durga and her daughter Kali. 👹😱
There is an old, 1993 comedy “Groudhog Day”. You can still rent or buy it in Apple or Google stores. Guy hates the reality
that he is in and therefore he starts waking up on the same day, everyday. He tries everything to get out of it, including
suicide – nothing works. Only after it starts dawning on him that he may be stuck in the same day for the rest of eternity, he slowly begins to change his attitude. When he finally embraces it with love without attachment or aversion, he is able to move on. 🤗 Great movie. 👍
So wonderful! Thank you, Jonna, especially fir your ‘talk from the heart’ video.
It is such a delight to connect on truth, where we are really at at some given moment of time.
I’ve been in renovations for the past two years and a half. I am so over it. 😆
But seeing you are on the other side of it brings me joy and hope.
Much love! ✨❤️✨
Over the moon to hear that Nanook has recovered. I was concerned and kept checking for an update. Glad I decided to check out your blog. Hugs and kisses from New Jersey USA
It makes my heart happy to know lovely Nanook is feeling better!
I’m so happy for Nanook ♥ and also for. You worked so hard and now you can enjoy your art studio.
I’ve been in renovations for the past year and I finally finished in December so I understand the feeling of peace that comes after a lot of hard work.
During the most difficult days when I wanted to give up, your videos helped me. Somehow they poured peace in me and I had more energy to continue.
So thank you for everythig Jonna and your beautiful family. ♥
*also for you.
Dear Jonna,
I just finished watching your video and thought I would read in your blog as well.
It’s really lovely getting perspectives on your life and you with different voices so to speak.
I loved your video with all its intermittent chapters, which gave me a picture of your month … that is a lovely way to do things I think sometimes because you can just kind of flow and go with it when you feel it. I am so happy to hear that you are loving your beautiful art space.
Probably my favourite scenes were when you shovelled off all the snow from your deck and sat out there with your coffee in the sunshine / followed by a candlelight deck by the light of the moon 🌕😍
I am so happy to see Nanook smiling again … he is such a love ❤️!
So I am sending you much love and light as you come into the new season. Thank you for all your sharings of your life 🙏✨💗
“It is so strange because this house is my work. This is my art studio. When I come here I am supposed to work on something. But there is
like no other place on Earth that makes me feel so relaxed, like there is no pressure. When I come here I get the feeling from this house
that I am good enough just the way I am. I don’t need to achieve anything more in this life. I can just be here and that feeling is like a key
to create things from within your heart. Like there is no pressure, there are no thoughts about the result. It is just pure inspiration and love.”
This profound words plus what you wrote in your last Instagram post clearly indicate that in your studio you have experiential glimpses of what Eastern religions call Spiritual Enlightenment. Ananda/bliss or Tripti/perfect satisfaction are its unmistakable signatures.
Already when I was a child, maybe 8 years old, I was so puzzled by my own subjectivity, my own identity – “What is it that I am me?”
I spontaneously kept turning inside trying to find its source and I clearly saw that prior, during and after of me saying: “I am Hrafna-Floki”,
there is a background aware of me saying “I am Hrafna-Floki”. Without this background my words “I am Hrafna-Floki” and the very existence of Hrafna-Floki don’t make any sense,
Western materialistic science says that this awareness is a byproduct of an evolution of matter, byproduct of a physical body.
Eastern spirituality considers this view an ultimate nonsense and says that just the opposite is true. One, Pure, Unlimited Awareness is an ultimate reality and everything exist in it just like images exists on the tv screen. Without screen images cannot exist and just like screen is unaffected by images, awareness is unaffected by what appears in it. And yet lovingly allows everything to appear. It creates the world out of pure joy of creating. But Awareness does not anything to be more complete. It is in a state of perfect satisfaction and peace.
You can see how this qualities of Awareness started to shine in your life when you visit your art studio. This is due to high level of purity
or spiritual evolution of your subtle/astral body. You are an ancient soul. This also due to effort you put into making your studio a sacred,
creative place. We earn the Grace of our Divine Mother through our actions.
When awareness withdraws its attention from objects appearing in it and places it on itself, objects may partially or completely vanish and the emptiness emerges in the middle of our being. Remember your blog post “As if a part of me was gone.” And yet this void is the womb of all creation. Everything that existed, exists and will ever exist is in it as a pure potential just like a whole tree already exists in a tiny seed. This womb is a field of unlimited possibilities. Creativity is essentially bringing this possibilities into manifestation.
I wrote all this to add more background to what you already instinctively know that emptiness and creative endeavour are like two sides
of one coin.
“I’ve been like this for as long as I can remember, and even thought I’ve accepted that this time of the year I need more rest, it’s still hard when life around you continues as usual. And there is nothing that stresses me more than when I cant feel that flow of inspiration and motivation that I usually do. It’s just an emptiness inside. But I know, from deep down my core, that it’s the cycle of life and nature. And the times of rest and silence is so equally important as the times of blooming and creation 🩵”
I started being a little concerned that your emotional state may bring even more winter to Grundtjärn and Nanook may get sick again.
Luckily, Daniel Erik came to the rescue. His enthusiasm is highly contagious and it was good to see you smile all the way to the top
of the mountain and back. Change of scenery contributed to it as well.
It is wonderful that Petra will be on your team. I was enchanted by your video of you meeting her in Marsfjällen. You two have
so much in common and look so similar, like sisters. More than that, you looked like two old völva buddies happily, barefooted
searching for special stones in a remote stream. Pure magic.
I think Mahadevi send Daniel Erik and Petra your way because She doesn’t want to loose you to the vortex of material energies
pulling you to Sollefteå. Now I can see that there is another reason that She gave you this art studio. It is a counterbalance to the
material, black hole there. You have a clear choice: either go to Sollefteå or spend time with Mahadevi in your studio.
Of course, material energies are also Mahadevi’s creation. But their purpose is to make us realize that they are not able to give
us what we really search for: permanent satisfaction. Once we loose an attachment to them our true spiritual nature
can shine in its full glory.
Wow, I got so incredibly moved by that photo of the night sky, with all the activity in the atmosphere. To think we can see all of that nowadays so easily. The milky way, the stars, and a whole other galaxy in one photo. It’s so breathtaking! ⭐💫✨
Hi Jonna
Firstly I’d like to say I love your work and think you are a very talented and amazing person. I recently reached out to you on Facebook messenger,my name is Monica Wolf Carreon Montes. I just wanted to introduce myself and I’m also a member of Wild Hearts on YouTube membership. As well as have a few of your jewelry collections which I love and wear everyday. I recently have been going through a hard time and is why I’m reaching out. I love the Jonna jinton community and wanted to see if there was any way you could see my message on facebook and provide some support. Again, I truly appreciate your work and also your love for your dog Nanook. As a fellow dog lover, I know you might understand my message. Thank you so much.
I am not a big fan of Abrahamic religions. In my opinion all of them combined do not come anywhere even close to the wisdom, the depth, the beauty of Hinduism and Norse spirituality has its roots in the far East. Nevertheless I am always prepared to listen if they have something sensible to say.
You probably know this story when Moses meets God in a form of a burning bush and the voice tells him to remove his shoes
because the ground he stands on is a holy ground. One rabbi used to change these words a little and say: Remove the shoes from
your feet AND THEN YOU WILL KNOW that the ground you stand on is a holy ground.
We need to make a first step. We need to call first and the cranes will answer. They are always out there. And inside of you so is
the original impulse that brought you to Grundtjärn years ago. Maybe it is covered a little by the dust of everyday, rapidly changing concerns. But it is still there.
This story teaches us also that we should not take somebody else’s words for granted. We need to investigate, ask questions, reflect,
ponder, ask for guidance and come up with our own answers. The ultimate reward I got from you for my comments happened when you wrote years ago, that they make you think a lot. I will be happy if they still do.
Thank you so much Jonna, for all these beautiful blog posts.
I also love all the other content and art you create, but your blog always feels extra special.
This wonderful combination of pictures and written words feels so calming and peaceful in this oftentimes fast, overstimulating world.
I completely fell in love with this breathtaking nightsky ✨
I wish you, Johan, Nanook and Nayeli a wonderful start into spring 🩵
If your tired, affected by a cold, mind had came up with any message, it most likely would have been something like: “Forget about
this nonsense. Let’s go home and jump into a warm bed” – don’t you think ?
It is amazing that spontaneously, without any knowledge and experience of it in this life, you performed a shamanic ritual known as
Vision Quest. In Nordic shamanic tradition it is called “Útiseta” or “Sitting out”. This means that in your subconscious mind there is
a memory of performing this ritual before. It also means that in your subconscious mind you understand and highly appreciate its value, since you didn’t hesitate to perform it in February. Do you still doubt that you were a völva in your past incarnations ?
The very activation of this memory looks like a response from a Divine Mother to your asking for guidance. This feeling you had, that it was a right thing to do at this moment, is how She often talks to us. You have to decide for yourself but rom my perspective it looks that her message may be: “Dear child, the reason that you lack inspiration and motivation may be your disconnection from your Nordic, shamanic roots. There may be still a lot for you to discover, understand, appreciate there. Would you be interested in exploring it a little more ? ”
Útiseta can also be performed for variety of other reasons, than empowerment and inspiration, like creating a change in the ordinary
world, foretelling a future events, connection with the spirits of the ancestors, etc. In order to achieve his/her goals
shaman/shamaness tries to enter a shamanic state of consciousness or trance. He/She does it through periods of silent
meditation interspaced with chanting, drumming, rattling, singing, ecstatic dancing around the flickering light of fire. Mood altering
substances are known to be used.
Full Moon represents a Divine Mother. Considering the above Her message: “The moon likes when humans dance” can be quite easily understood.
Kära Yonna,
jag är från Tyskland men älskar Sverige, naturen, människor och det svenska språket väldigt mycket.
Jag uppmärksammades på din blog av en vän som själv är konstnär och jag blev så otroligt berörd, först och främst av dina foton! De är så underbara, varma och känslofyllda…❤
I din blog tippsade du dessutom om boken “Från bränt barn till eldsjäl”. Jag känner att det skulle bli otroligt givande för mig att få läsa den.
Tyvärr är den här boken slutsåld på bokus… 😥
Har du (eller någon annan här) kanske någon idé hur jag möjligen kunde få tag i en exemplar av boken? Det vore toppen!
Jag skickar dig mina varmaste hälsningar! Med det du gör inspirerar du många männikor även här i Tyskland. Ett stort tack för det!
My heartfelt best wishes on your 35th birthday. ❤️
Part 1
Bracelet represents karma in form of vasanas stored in your subconscious mind. When we act in this manifest reality, this action produces results. We either like them and want to repeat it, or dislike them and want to avoid it. These memories are called vasanas. Vasana literally means flavour in Sanskrit. Another word for a subconscious mind is causal body because vasanas stored in it determine how we think, feel, talk and act in this world. Vasanas can be either positive, motivating us for spiritual development,
or negative. However, when we are unconscious of them, we are completely at their mercy. The starting point of a spiritual evolution
is to strive to become fully conscious of the content of our causal bodies. Only then we have a chance to let go of negative vasanas and to cultivate the positive ones.
Can anything exist for you unless you are conscious of it ? Maybe it does but you have no way of knowing it unless it appears in
your consciousness. If it doesn’t it is as good as non-existent for you. This is what ancient sages of India observed millennia ago that there is a connection between consciousness and existence. In fact they are one and the same. Of course, we are talking about a Universal Consciousness, individual, human consciousness is only a tiny part of. They called it “Sat, Chit, Ananda” –
“Existence, Consciousness, Bliss” because an Universal Consciousness is in a state of pure, uncaused, permanent happiness.
We know that we are conscious, we know that we exist, it is a Bliss aspect everybody is so desperately searching for through
his/her actions in this manifest reality. We don’t know that we already are what we search for due to the veiling power in
Consciousness called Maya or ignorance.
Purpose of human life is to fully realize our oneness with an Universal Consciousness and reclaim the Bliss that is our very essence.
You know that you experience glimpses of it when you come to your studio or travel to Marsfjällen. Losing your bracelet is an encouragement from a Divine Mother to continue working on your vasanas. If we don’t, we are essentially an expression of our past, instead of being vehicles for an expression of a Blissful Universal Consciousness. Yes, you are right that something
very positive may come out of this loss but you have to work for it too. This is not a one-off event. Constant self-analysis
is necessary. Vasanas have very insidious ways of reconstituting themselves. Eternal vigilance is a price of freedom from them.
I can feel so much love from these photos and words.
Love from China✨️✨️✨️
I have tried to post on your blog several times but it looks only very short comments can get through.
Hi Jonna,
I saw the youtube that you posted a few days ago titled “Sharing from my heart.” I hope you are feeling happier now. Your inner core is all Bliss and Peace. I have experienced that to be refreshed by our inner core, Transcendental Meditation (TM) is very useful. It is a simple, natural technique that is easy to learn and practice. People of all religions practice it. There are TM teachers in Sweden, but since I am in the USA, I don’t have information on them right now. I just found this video about TM in a Swedish school: https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=478608056306483.
I hope you look into the TM technique that can help you deal with whatever stress you have in your life by allowing you to dive into your own inner bliss and bring that out into your daily activity. You are such a precious, divine person and I love watching all your videos, especially when you are expressing your love and appreciation of nature.
Best wishes and all love to you!
Wow, Jonna does an ecstatic dance around a flickering light of fire. 💃🔥 Full Moon loves it 🌝 ❤️ and is ON HER WAY to aid our precious Völva from Grundtjärn in her struggle to free herself from the jaws of a dark, negative energy. 👹
It is very sad to watch you in such a state of a visible, emotional turmoil. In my corner of the world I invoke a Full Moon to grant
you clarity and peace of mind to sort out all underlying issues for yourself and resolve to follow through with your decisions.
Lots of love. ❤️
It looks that our precious Völva from Grundtjärn could use a good bedtime story these days. There is one specially for her.
🌲🌲🌲🌲🌲🌲🌲🌲 SAGA OF THE LONG HAIR 🌲🌲🌲🌲🌲🌲🌲🌲
I met my former, Polish girlfriend Maria in a high school. We got instantly attracted to each other and spent 14 years together.
After graduation she chose to study a Swedish philology at the university. I couldn’t comprehend her decision. At that time there were maybe 50 new students of this subject each year in the whole 40 million nation.Why would anyone spend all her time studying in such a depth language spoken by 10 million people ? How useful could that be ? She always argued that
they also extensively studied German language and proficiency in German had a lot of applications.
Because of so much training they had she started speaking Polish with Swedish accent. She was not only a classic example
of Nordic beauty. She also had this fierce sovereignty like so many women in Scandinavia. Trying to make her do anything
she didn’t want to was a waste of time. Talking to her in a manner she considered commanding and not loving meant asking
for a fight. But there were exceptions.
Once she started considering cutting her hair short. I hated this idea so much. I told her that she was absolutely forbidden to
cut her hair and if she would we were finished. I meant it. I couldn’t imagine being attracted to her with a short hair. I remember it
very clearly because it was so important to me. I actually used a impersonal form as if I were quoting a law: “Is is absolutely
forbidden to cut the hair.” She didn’t dare, or perhaps for the sake of our relationship chose not to, challenge me. Frankly, I was
a little surprised by her reaction. I expected at least a good fight and she just accepted it. Today I can see that my attitude triggered some memory in her too. In my conscious mind I had no idea at that time that Norse women were forbidden to cut their hair.
Every guy I shared this story with was incredibly shocked how can someone act like such an insensitive bully towards his
girlfriend. I have never considered myself acting like a bully. I have never had any doubts that I did the right thing. When I
reflected on it, I figured out meaning in my attitude. I was protecting her, protecting us. Can you imagine an embarrassment
and potential trouble in a tight-knit Norse community if someone’s wife had a short hair. Those days one’s very survival depended
on the whole community. Nobody could risk being a black sheep in it just because one woman had a fantasy to change her looks.
Part of my subconscious mind still lives in a Viking age and doesn’t give a slightest damn that this is 21st century. It still wants
to do things the way they were done back then. Still living in a Viking age is not as much fun as people may think but this could be a subject of another saga.
What this story taught me is how difficult it may be to communicate with another human being. People may seemingly talk
about one thing. In fact they constantly referring to their past experiences stored in form of vasanas in their subconscious
minds. Practically they may be taking about two completely different things. What was a bulling for other guys, was an act of love
for me.
The vast majority of people is completely ignorant of the subconscious content of their minds. In this story circumstances
in an outside world triggered a memory in me and I acted it out automatically. If this situation happened today I would very
gently explain to her why it was so important to me. How would I act if she cut her hair, I don’t know, I cannot help that I am not attracted to women with short hair.
This story taught me also love and compassion for other people. If we have this kind of conditioning, so does everybody else.
We become a patient listener, rather than talker, striving the best we can to understand what other person words really refer to.
Now, I wish you a lot of sweet dreams. Lots of love. ❤️
Jonna, thank you so much for all the hard work that goes into making these videos!!! I really enjoy and love them! I hope you are having a wonderful day! 💕
One didn’t have to be a “rocket scientist”, figuratively speaking, to see this coming. This was something I tried to warn you about,
however, I didn’t have any illusions about its effects. Stubborn, Nordic women like you only learn things in their own, hard way.
Jewellery business certainly is a good way of making a living. Interview with your mother revealed that it has a deeply spiritual
aspect, I write about in other comment. Designing jewellery is also a creative process. But you blew the whole thing out of
proportion. You created a big institution, involved a lots of people, invested a lots of money and this institution started consuming
most of your time and energy. And this may not be the end of it. Tendency of every successful business is to expand and grow.
I guess Johan, your brother and others enjoy a challenge of creating it from scratches and may be interested in going in this direction. What would be a next step, another shop and gallery in Gothenburg ? And then Stockholm and other European cities ?
Circumstances of our lives are a result of our karma that needs to be resolved. Resolved means lovingly embraced without
emotional attachment or aversion and understood as a impersonal functioning of the totality of existence. This process is linked
with a concept of svadharma. This notion means our duty to make a contribution to it according to our unique, individual
talents and dispositions. These are the right things to do if we want to be happy in our lives.
This two notions are foreign for a Western, individualistic, fun-oriented mind. We have a material abundance and yet so many
deeply unhappy, confused people. Many travellers to India are stunned how others can be so dirt-poor and yet radiate confidence
and satisfaction. This is an answer why.
You figured out yourself your karma and svadharma for this incarnation long time ago. It is contemplation of the beauty of
Northern Nature, and who is more intimately connected to it than a völva, and in this context, through your creativity, inspiring other people. Question is: can you dissolve your karma and fulfil your svadharma while managing the jewellery business.
In a certain way the answer is yes. Yours and your mother’s designs certainly reflect the unique beauty of the Northern Nature.
I have no doubts that they can be very inspiring for people who buy them. But you already see what is “wrong” with this picture.
It is too narrow, too limited. You sense that you need to connect with others through your videos, photography, music, paintings, writings. If your shop consumes most of your time and energy, you are not able to do that.
I really admired the train of your thoughts in your last video. Every problem is inextricably linked with its solution. We just have to find it. I have no doubt that your reasoning will eventually allow you to do just that. What a precious gifts are your studio and cabin in Marsfjällen !!!! You certainly are not able to solve anything while running like headless chicken in Sollefteå.
Well, good luck with all of this. Lots of love ❤️
Wow, just like in a quote: “What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger”, 💪 our precious Völva from Grundtjärn comes back online
with a vengeance. What a great relief that is. !!!! 😃
In your heart, mind, speech and actions don’t neglect expressing your gratitude to a Full Moon for guiding you. 🌝 🙏 Even if it appears that you got inspired by your followers, it was a Full Moon acting through them all along, that made this happen. Another
round of an ecstatic dancing around a flickering light of fire, or any other ritual you choose, would be appropriate. 💃🔥
Divine Mother has her feelings too. Just like every human mother, She is delighted 🥰 when her grown-up children acknowledge
and honour Her effort to bring into this world and educate them. 🫡
And don’t lower your guard. Dark, negative energies never sleep. 👹 They are always ready to kidnap your heart and mind. ☠️ Eternal vigilance is a price of freedom from them. Strong connection with a Full Moon is our best and only defence. 🌝 🙏
Lots of love. ❤️
Honestly, you scared me a lot. I can’t imagine what Jonna fells when she saw all your long comments totally inapropriate, all the year long. It looks like stalking.
Hope you are fine, but, seriously, how many comments here ? More, you write soooo long text, even there is not enough place for that, en français on dit “délire” ça ressemble a de la pathologie psychiatrique, i don’t know the word in english.
The end of a year always is a good opportunity to recall the past and realize how much we learned from it. Some things change, some things only take new form but their essence remains the same. Do you remember your blogpost: “The light is back” of January 18, 2019 ?
It’s so obvious how strong you are trying to appear as a certain type of person. Would feel so incredibly uncomfortable to end up being in front of your camera. Must be hard for Johan but the poor thing ‘s so kind and really doesn’t want to hurt your already fragile nature. Never forget how you petted around with your American boyfriend in the film and how a week later after the breakup repeated it with some mysterious guy with the dog from Abisko.
You are interesting in that way, someone persuaded Johan to abandon his beloved dog because you could maintain your own that had the beautiful sound of the name. Scrappy hair in his eyes and thoughtful romantic outfits for home work? The way you use snuff on the tea, ha ha! Can understand that you have so many followers in Sweden and the US, where one values positivity but no one questions the authenticity. “Because I’m living in the woods.” Never forget when I drove in Sweden and was amazed that the place names on the map suddenly sounded familiar. So I passed Grundtjärn, without any delay. A couple of hours from the city. All amenities. Mom at arm’s length. You do not live in the woods kind friend. What illusions you cheated people with Jonna. Too bad you can not manage to be genuine and honest.
Have you ever thought about whether it may be that there is this illusion that sells and not the actual quality behind your work?
Think you are very aware of this yourself. Jewelry design is well about as predictable as it may be, not to talk about the names of your paintings. It’s outright copied concepts mixed together of various creators before you? Including photographs.
To see you on a bad day, angry and in his element would be interesting. To know who you really are, because you show this is just nonsense. It is easy to be king in his own little, self-created bubble, guarding the gate to it.
What exactly is the point of your comment Lisa? Is it hurting Jonna? Because if you have any other intention than this, I wonder why you choose to express yourself in this way. What is like the idea behind your post? Would you say the same things if you met Jonna in real life? Does it feel good in the stomach and fun to write like this about someone? In the knowledge that the person you are criticizing this will and probably will be sad? If you really dislike a particular blog, you are certainly not compelled to read.
Terrible, mean-spirited comment. . . . maybe coming to Jonna’s blog will help you to recover from your troubles as it sounds like you are suffering a severe emotional illness indeed. . . . Hope you get the right kind of help, but putting others down does not build you up or empower you, no. . . . you just down your hole a bit deeper and grow more unhappy with the world. . . . get some help quickly so you will be free of the ‘negativity’ that is killing your spirit.
Do not allow negative comments upset your balance. You do your best trying to find your way through this huge, cosmic puzzle, just like everybody else. The essence of these attacks is mechanism of denial and projection. People deny their own painful conditioning, they received from their environment but are not ready to face and neutralize, and project it on others. Understanding that nobody consciously chooses to be the way he / she is allows for forgiveness. Forgiveness brings peace.
Thank you so much Floki. I always love to read your thoughts and perspective on things ♥
It feels so good nowdays … that I finally can truly understand the things you mentioned above. Even thought I have always “known” those things, evil or negative comments and people could always made me feel so sad before. No matter if I believed what they wrote or not, it hit me like a knife in my soul. Making me feel bad for days … sometimes weeks …
But since a time back … I don’t know when It changed … now … I do not feel that way from negative words. I now truly feel that their words are not saying anything about me. Just about them. I can forgive and send back love. And … omg that feels so good. Just as you say, it brings peace.
A few days ago I was sitting in a meeting and one of the older men send out the most awful energy to me. He looked the other way as I talked, ignoring my questions … and just had this look in his eyes as if he hated me. And instead of getting insecure I smiled and imagined sending this white light of love to him. In a way it felt weird, but … so peaceful and right. I felt free. Not captured in his low vibration.
And also, hate / negative words or people trying to put me down, is doing the opposite to me now. Whenever I feel someone or something trying to lower my energy, I instead feel stronger. It’s like they are throwing shit on me but from that i get nutrition to keep growing haha. I have no idea when or how this changed, but it is really new to me, and I am so thankful that i no longer feel like other people can put these “energy knifes” in me anymore.
Lots of love ♥
You made my spirit soar again. I have always been convinced that spiritually you are like a bone-dry grass. Little spark of Spiritual Knowledge could turn you into a raging fire of peace, contentment, confidence and love. What you describe is how spiritual realization gradually works its way through a human being and affects his / her experience of reality. We seek knowledge because we want to be happy here and now, not in some future afterlife.
People are not able to put these “energy knives” in you any more because the essence of every exchange in this world is love. Spiritually love is much more than warm and fuzzy feeling in one’s stomach. It is a willful attention directed towards an object. When you say that you love Nanook you mean that you pay attention to him. Hatred is simply love being expressed through a human being conditioned by his / her negative experiences but the essence of love is unaffected – it is still willful attention. Something in you recognizes this truth, drinks the nectar and discards the package. I have a feeling that you incredibly intelligently extracted this knowledge from the exchange that took place between us. Wow, I am truly impressed. You are the wisest Valkyrie anybody has ever heard of.
Yes, peace feels very good and we want to hang onto it as much as we can. This is the main reason we seek spiritual knowledge. Experience is an exchange of energy and energy is by its nature fickle, it constantly fluctuates. When we have knowledge about its essence these changes can only affect us to a very limited degree. It is like having a drone flying high above the hurricane Informing us about its direction so we can always stay in the eye.
I just recently found your videos of you and Nanook. I’m in love with where you live! I live in teh US and have a 100# Great Pyrenese who loves the snow as much as Nanook! My dog is a female, she’s getting up there in age too. Each day is precious – and I love seeing you are loving every day with him as much as you can! Happy January!
Congratulations on your recent collaboration with Wardruna. This reminds me of a dream vision I had once.
I drive my pick-up truck on a country road here in British Columbia. Suddenly I see a big sign pointing to the left side of the road:
“NORTH BOROUGH”. Intrigued I stop and get out of the truck. There is a T-junction with a road going down a steep hill. I notice a
big pallet of solid stone blocks on the side of it. I can get back to my truck and leave but I know that the whole situation
invites me to take this pallet down a steep road to North Borough. But how am I going to do that ?
The road is so steep, pallet so big and heavy with only a manual pallet jack attached to it. There is no way that I will be able to
control it on such a steep descent. But something compels me to give it a try nevertheless. I recon that if I zig-zag carefully from
one side of the road to the other, I just may be able to make it. As soon as I get started road flattens to such a perfect angle
that the pallet gently rolls by itself, all I need to do is to steer it. I arrive in a big parking lot. There are already several pallets of the same yet different blocks in it. There is a big construction site next door.
Out of the solid stone blocks we build a new Great Hall. In spite of all the dark forces saying that the old Great Halls should demolished and no new Great Halls should ever be built. All the old Great Halls are here to stay and a new Great Hall will
be built one stone block at a time, to honour our ancestors without whom we couldn’t be who we are right now.
It was truly heartwarming to watch Nanook exploring the forest again and again, despite his age. I have no doubts that you extended
his lifespan and you explain yourself how you did it. Deep inside, you know that his Spirit is immortal and this conviction, beyond even
a slightest doubt, improves the condition of his physical body.
This manifested world appears “solid” to our senses but a quantum physics confirms that at the very basic level of reality
the consciousness of the observer affects what is observed. Ancient sages of India discovered Millenia ago that this material world
is an appearance in the Universal Consciousness and this knowledge was unfolded in the final portion of each Veda – the Upanishads.
The same consciousness, this world appears in like a dream, shines also at the very core of every human being. But because of its
identification with its vehicles, physical bodies and their senses, it constantly flows into the same old grooves and makes this
world appear so “solid”. If we somehow manage to make it flow differently, the world will appear different – just like in this
expression: “Believe it and you will see it”.
The very essence of every shamanic practice is essentially an attempt by a practitioner to perceive things differently. It is simple but not easy. This perception has to come from the very core of our being, where we are one with Creator. If it comes from the surface, it doesn’t have much power because here it is a subject of a powerful karmic forces that operate the creation.
When you look at Nanook dwell on and rejoice every moment when you see his immortal Spirit overruling the karmic conditions
his physical body is subject to. What you dwell on will expand and grow. At your very core you are one with the Universal Consciousness, the Creator of this manifest world. I will show it to you using your own words in the next comment coming soon.
First of all, congratulations on the publication of your debut album “Songs and Callings”. All songs are very beautiful and they grew
organically over the years like rings on the tree. But one song particularly arose my attention because of its lyrics you wrote yourself.
It is a “Spirit Song”.
“Sweet friend, the Mist will carry you home again if you get lost”
Who is talking here ? It cannot be a human being because a human being doesn’t see things like that. If someone is lost the Mist
doesn’t carry him/her home. Just the opposite, it makes him/her even more lost. So, who is talking here ?
Could it be Jonna the Pure Spirit or, to use a term from my previous comment, Jonna the Shareholder, talking to herself ?
Talking to this part of herself that is still identified with her vehicle of a physical body and its senses, mostly preoccupied with getting
“chit” done in this world. We called this part: “Jonna the construction site general manager”.
“The night is long, the ancient song of a thousand stars
Sleep little friend, the forest guards you and keeps you warm, if you are cold
Northern lights dancing over the forest and mountains, burning in the night
Sweet friend, the Mist will carry you home again if you get lost”
Sleep is a most common symbol of being unconscious of one’s own Spiritual Nature. Yes, from human perspective the night of the manifest world seems to last for a long time. But everything is provided to make one feel safe and comfortable. And even before dawn the Northern lights will start burning the darkness. Message from Jonna the Pure Spirit to Jonna the construction site general manager is very gentle, very loving: “Sleep, continue doing what you doing in this world. Eventually you will start waking up from your sleep. It doesn’t matter how long it takes. When you are ready the Mist, the Mystery will carry you back to your true Spiritual home”.